No More Plastics!

Opportunity Details

Creation Justice Mosaic Wednesday had it all: a delicious meal, lots of plastic creativity, and an incredible trash clean-up throughout The Point and beyond! Understanding only 5% of the worlds' plastic is recycled and that the equivalent of one garbage truckload every minute is entering our oceans, and in response to the recent Alliance of Baptist Statement on Becoming Free from Plastic Pollution (read here); we took our first of many future steps toward living this statement as individuals and as a congregation.

Many thanks to Robin Buck for organizing the effort and collecting piles of colorful plastic trash to transform into Creation Justice Sunday's,"Hope is ACTION" sign and creative art pieces. Marcy McClanahan and Cindy Clemens led the clean up crew, which included two young professional pressure washers!

Three days later, church members took additional steps by participating in the Earth Day clean-up of Eastover Park and Briar Creek! Not surprisingly, their garbage bags were full of plastics!